오늘 (2012년 3월 11일 주일 오후 3시 ) 우리 교회의 홍예찬 군의 첫번째 바이얼린 연주회 모습입니다
그리고 건희와 영준이의 모습도..곁들여서
* 핑크로 굵게 표시한 것들이 홍예찬, Bobby & Iris 공연들입니다

연주회 3분전입니다.. 영준, 건희, 예찬이입니다

자신있어 보이는 홍예찬군..

영준엉아와 건희 누나와 함께

다른 친구들도 줄을 맞추고 있습니다

하얀 세라복을 입은 친구도 있고 주황색 스카프를 맨 친구도 보이고

여기는 John Wesley Villa, Belle Made 라는 곳의 연주회장입니다

이제 연주회 1분전이네요..

건희와 영준이는 벌써 자리에서 기다리고 있네요

자리잡고 있는 형, 누나들..

박건희, 박영준

자리에 앉아계신 분들이 Nancy Sasser 선생님의 제자분들입니다

이분이 낸시 선생님이십니다
이제 연주회가 시작됩니다
제일먼저 홍예찬( David Hong) 이 연주합니다
Introduce for Twinkler-in Recital Students of Nancy Sasser on 3/11/2012
Suzuki Violin Twinkle Variation #1 by Twinkler - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Twinklers Playing in Recital -Students of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation C -Twinkler in Recital Nancy Sasser's Students-on 03/11/2012
Twinkle & Twinkle Little Star by Twinklers Together-in Recital Students of Nancy Sasser-03/11/2012
Go Tell Aunt Rhody-by Camile Fry in Recital -Students of Nancy on 03/11/2012
Tango, The Gentle Knight -by Olivia Calder - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 3/11/2012
Sonata, Bourree-by Sarah Breitenbach-Students of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
The Two Grenadiers-by Stephen Summerow-Recital of Nancy Sasser's Student on 03/11/2012
The Kid with the Beautiful, Bowhold-by Jonathan Summeerros-in 03/11/2012
Dave's Tune-by The Summerow Brothers-Nancy Sasser's Stud. Recital-3/11/2012
Prepetural Motion,Crepple Creek-by Rory Arrington -Nancy Sasser's Students Recital 3/11/2012
Gavotte-by Jessica Smith - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Cowboys and Cowgirls & Music for the King by Olivia Berke in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Hunter's Chorus by Eliot Gammons - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Ashokan Farewell by The "Never-too-Laters" - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Faded Love-by The "Never-Too-Laters"-in Recital -Students of Nancy Sasser
Minuet I & II in G Maj & G Min by Bobby Park & Iris Park in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Rosalind's Waltz by Natalie Roberson in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Double Stop Shuffle & Cha Cha by Sarah Pyles in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Gavotte in G Minor by Isabelle Sharon in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Humoresque by by Rachel Breitenbach in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Chicken Soup by Jessica Smith, Isabelle Sharon in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
The Goldfish Variations: Theme by All Together in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation 1 : Waltz - by Natalie Roberson - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation3 :Jig- by Isabella Sharon - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation 5 : Polka- by Jessica Smith- in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation 6 : Minuet - by Rachel Brietenbach in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Variation 7 : Perpetual Motion- by Bobby Park & Iris Park - in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
Dona Nobis Pacem (Anonymous) by All Together in Recital of Nancy Sasser on 03/11/2012
이상이 오늘 있었던연주의 전체 입니다카메라가 제 카메라가 아니라촬영이 매끄럽게 되지 않은 점양해 바랍니다
2012년 3월 11일 주일 오후