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by 프시케 psyche 2014. 3. 18.

The ASVAB subtests for determining the composites are: General Science (GS), Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Word Knowledge (WK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Numerical Operations (NO), Coding Speed (CS), Auto and Shop Information (AS), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), Mechanical Comprehension (MC), Electronics Information (EI), and Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension, scaled (VE).

Current aptitude area composites used for MOS selection for the Marine Corps are as follows:

    CL- Clerical, Administrative, Supply & Finance - NO + CS + VE (Note: CL Score was eliminated in late 2002. All job Marine Corps requirements that required a CL score were changed to GT Score at this time. The score requirements are the same. In other words, if a job previously required a CL score of 90, then it was changed to require a GT score of 90).

    EL -Electronics Repair, Missile Repair, Electronics and Communications -GS+AR+MK+EI

    MM - Mechanical Maintenance, Construction, Utility and Chemical Maintenance (hazmat) - GS+AS+MK+MC

    GT - General Technical, Special and Officer Programs - VE+AR

For detailed information about the ASVAB, see ABCs of the ASVAB.

ASVAB Scores Required for the Marine Corps
More of this Feature

• Air Force ASVAB Scores
• Army ASVAB Scores

Related Resources
• USMC Job Descriptions
• Joining the Military
• ABCs of the ASVAB
• Enlistment Qualifications

Elsewhere on the Web
• Marine Corps Recruiting

The Army converts the ASVAB subtest scores into five composite score areas, known as "line scores." The line scores determine what job(s) an individual qualifies for. The ASVAB subtests are: General Science (GS); Arithmetic Reasoning (AR); Word Knowledge (WK); Paragraph Comprehension (PC); Numerical Operations (NO); Coding Speed (CS); Auto and Shop Information (AS); Mathematics Knowledge (MK); Mechanical Comprehension (MC); Electronics Information (EI); and Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension (VE). Marine Corps Line Scores are determined as follows:



GT-General Technical-VE+AR

MM-Mechanical Maintenance-NO+AS+MC+EI

ST-Skilled Technical-GS+VE+MK+MC

MOS/Job TitleASVAB Line Score Required
0121 - Personnel ClerkCL=100
0151 - Administrative ClerkCL=100
0161 - Postal ClerkCL=90
0231 - Intelligence SpecialistGT=100
0261 - Geographic Intelligence SpecialistEL=100
0311 - RiflemanGT=80
0313 - LAV CrewmanGT=90
0321 - Reconnaissance ManGT=105
0331 - Machine GunnerGT=80
0341 - MortarmanCT=80
0351 - AssaultmanGT=80
0352 - Antitank Assault Guided MissilemanGT=90
0411 - Maintenance Management SpecialistGT=100
0431 - Logistics/Embarkation and Combat Service Support (CSS) SpecialistGT=100
0451 - Air Delivery SpecialistGT=100
0481 - Landing Support SpecialistGT=95
0511 - MAGTF Planning SpecialistGT=110
0612 - Field WiremanGT=90
0613 - Construction WiremanEL=90
0614 - Unit Level Circuit Switch (ULCS) Operator/MaintainerEL=100
0621 - Field Radio OperatorEL=90
0622 - Mobile Multichannel Equipment OperatorEL=100
0624 - High Frequency Communication Central OperatorEL=100
0626 - Fleet SATCOM Terminal OperatorEL=100
0627 - Ground Mobile Forces SATCOM OperatorEL=100
0811 - Field Artillery CannoneerGT=90
0842 - Field Artillery Radar OperatorGT=105
0844 - Field Artillery Fire Control ManGT=105
0847 - Artillery Meteoroloqical ManGT=105
0861 - Fire Support ManGT=100
1141 - ElectricianEL=90
1142 - Electrical Equipment Repair SpecialistEL=100
1161 - Refrigeration MechanicMM=105
1171 - Hygiene Equipment OperatorMM=85
1181 - Fabric Repair SpecialistMM=85
1316 - Metal WorkerMM=95
1341 - Engineer Equipment MechanicMM=95
1345 - Engineer Equipment OperatorMM=95
1361 - Engineer AssistantGT=100
1371 - Combat EngineerMM=95
1391 - Bulk Fuel SpecialistMM=85
1812 - M1A1 Tank CrewmanGT=90
1833 - Assault Amphibious VehicleGT=90
2111 - Small Arms Repairer/TechnicianMM=95
2131 - Towed Artillery Systems TechnicianMM=95
2141 - Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Repairer/TechnicianMM=105
2146 - Main Battle Tank (MBT) Repairer/TechnicianMM=105
2147 - Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Repairer/TechnicianMM=105
2161 - MachinistMM=105
2171 - Electro-Optical Ordnance RepairerMM=105
2311 - Ammunition TechnicianGT=100
2542 - Communication Center OperatorGT=110
2621 - Communications Signal Collection/Manual Morse Operator/AnalystGT=100
2631 - Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Intercept Operator/AnalystGT=100
2651 - Special Intelligence System Administrator/CommunicatorGT=100
2671 - Arabic Cryptologic LinguistGT=105
2673 - Korean Cryptologic LinguistGT=105
2674 - Spanish Cryptologic LinguistGT=105
2676 - Russian Cryptoloqic LinguistGT=105
2811 - Telephone TechnicianEL=115
2818 - Personal Computer (PC)/Tactical Office Machine RepairerEL=115
2822 - Electronic Switching Equipment TechnicianEL=115
2831 - Multichannel Equipment RepairerEL=115
2841 - Ground Radio RepairerEL=115
2844 - Ground Communications Organizational RepairerEL=115
2846 - Ground Radio Intermediate RepairerEL=115
2847 - Telephone Systems/Personal Computer Intermediate RepairerEL=115
2871 - Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment TechnicianEL=115
2881 - Communication Security Equipment TechnicianEL=115
2887 - Counter Mortar Radar RepairerEL=115
3043 - Supply Administration and Operations ClerkCL=110
3051 - Warehouse ClerkCL=90
3052 - Packaging SpecialistCL=80
3112 - Traffic Management SpecialistCL=90
3361 - Subsistence Supply ClerkCL=90
3381 - Food Service SpecialistGT=90
3432 - Finance TechnicianCL=110
3451 - Fiscal/Budget TechnicianCL=110
3521 - Organizational Automotive MechanicMM=95
3531 - Motor Vehicle OperatorMM=85
3533 - Logistics Vehicle System OperatorMM=85
4066 - Small Computer Systems SpecialistGT=110
4067 - Programmer - ADAGT=110
4341 - Combat CorespondentGT=105
4421 - Legal Services SpecialistCL=100
4611 - Combat IllustratorGT=100
4612 - Combat LithographerGT=100
4641 - Combat PhotographerGT=100
4671 - Combat VideographerGT=100
5526 to 5566 - MusicianAFQT Score of 50
5711 - Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) Defense SpecialistGT=110
5811 - Military PoliceGT=100
5831 - Correctional SpecialistGT=100
5937 - Aviation Radio RepairerEL=105
5942 - Aviation Radar RepairerEL=105
5952 - Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids TechnicianEL=105
5953 - Air Traffic Control Radar TechnicianEL=105
5954 - Air Traffic Control Communications TechnicianEL=105
5962 - Tactical Data Systems Equipment (TDSE) RepairerEL=105
5963 - Tactical Air Operations Module RepairerEL=105
6046 - Aircraft Maintenance Administration SpecialistCL=100
6048 - Flight Equipment TechnicianMM=105
6061 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic MechanicMM=105
6071 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment (SE) MechanicMM=105
6072 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Hydraulic/ Pneumatic Structures MechanicMM=105
6073 - Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/ Refrigeration MechanicMM=105
6074 - Cryogenics Equipment OperatorMM=105
6091 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures MechanicMM=105
6092 - Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures MechanicMM=105
6311 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems TechnicianEL=105
6312 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician - AV-8EL=105
6314 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Avionics TechnicianEL=105
6316 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician - KC-130EL=105
6317 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician - F/A-18EL=105
6322 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical Systems Technician - CH-46EL=105
6323 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical Systems Technician - CH-53EL=105
6324 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician - U/AH-1EL=105
6326 - Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician - V-22EL=105
6331 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician-TraineeEL=105
6332 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - AV-8EL=105
6333 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - EA-6EL=105
6336 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - KC-130EL=105
6337 - Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician - F/A-18EL=105
6386 - Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician - EA-6BEL=105
6511 - Aviation Ordnance TechnicianGT=105
6531 - Aircraft Ordnance TechnicianGT=105
6541 - Aviation Ordnance Systems TechnicianGT=105
6672 - Aviation Supply ClerkCL=100
6673 - Automated Information Systems (AIS) Computer OperatorCL=100
6821 - Weather ObserverGT=105
7011 - Expeditionary Airfield Systems TechnicianMM=95
7041 - Aviation Operations SpecialistCL=100
7051 - Aircraft Firefighting and Rescue SpecialistMM=95
7212 - Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) GunnerGT=90
7234 - Air Control Electronics OperatorGT=105
7242 - Air Support Operations OperatorGT=100
7251 - Air Traffic ControllerGT=105
7257 - Air Traffic ControllerGT=105
7314 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Air Vehicle OperatorGT=105
7371 - Aerial NavigatorGT=110
7381 - Airborne Radio Operator/Inflight Refueling Observer/ LoadmasterGT=110

United States Marine Corps Enlisted Job Descriptions and Qualification Factors




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The avionics OccFld includes direct and indirect support of all aviation weapon systems. While there is a large similarity in the skills required to provide this support, the systems being supported are diverse. The following examples are provided: direct support repair accomplished at the organizational maintenance activity (OMA) which is normally accomplished on aircraft, e.g., replacement of the radar antenna on the aircraft; indirect support-repair accomplished at the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) which is normally accomplished off aircraft, e.g., radar system module repair, and repair/calibration of the radar support equipment. Marines entering the OccFld receive MOS 6300 for OMA, and MOS 6400 for IMA, Basic Avionics Marine, and then progress through specific hard skill MOSs and ultimately are assigned MOS 6391, Avionics Maintenance Chief. Qualifications initially include technical proficiency in the repair of one or more electronic systems after completion of formal training. As the Marine is promoted, repair and administrative requirements for multiple systems take on an equal importance until the Marine is ultimately placed in a supervisory position. Billets for both repair and administration are varied and extend from the squadron level to staff positions at the wing and force commander, and Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps level.

Below are the Marine Corps Enlisted Military Occupation Specialties which are organized under these occupational fields:


6312 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, AV-8

6313 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, EA-6

6314 --Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Avionics Technician

6316 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician, KC-130

6317 --Aircraft communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, F/A-18

6322 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation Electrical Systems Technician, CH-46

6323 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation/ElectricalSystems Technician, CH-53

6324 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician, U/AH-l

6326 --Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Systems Technician, V-22

6332 --Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, AV-8

6333 --Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, EA-6

6336 --Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, KC-130

6337 --Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, F/A-18

6386 --Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, EA-6B

6391 --Avionics Maintenance Chief


6412 --Aircraft Communications Systems Technician, IMA

6413 --Aircraft Navigation Systems Technician, I FF/RADAR/TACAN , IMA

6414 --Advanced Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician, IMA

6422 --Aircraft cryptographic Systems Technician, IMA

6423 --Aviation Electronic Microminiature/Instrument and Cable Repair Technician, IMA

6432 --Aircraft Electrical/lnstrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, Fixed Wing, IMA

6433 --Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, Helicopter, IMA

6434 --Advanced Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, IMA

6461 --Hybrid Test Set Technician, IMA

6462 --Avionics Test Set (ATS) Technician, IMA

6463 --CASS HP Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA

6464 --Aircraft Inertial Navigation System Technician, IMA

6466 --CASS EO Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician/IMA

6467 --Consolidated Automatic Support System (CASS) Technician, IMA

6469 --CASS Test Station IMA Advanced Maintenance Technician, IMA

6482 --Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Fixed-Wing, IMA

6483 --Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Helicopter, IMA

6484 --CASS EW Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA

6492 -- Aviation Precision Measurement Equipment/Calibration and Repair Technician, IMA

6493 --Aviation Meteorological Equipment Technician, OMA/IMA

Almost everyday, someone sends me an e-mail, or posts a question on our message board concerning security clearances in the military. What is a security clearance? What do they look at? What can keep me from getting a security clearance? How far back to they investigate? How long is a security clearance valid?

What is a Security Clearance?

The military possesses information and technology which could be helpful to our enemies. The unauthorized release of this information can compromise our nation's national security. Unauthorized release can cause battles/wars to be lost, missions to be ineffective, and can result in the death or injury of military and civilian personnel.

A security clearance investigation is an inquiry into an individual’s loyalty, character, trustworthiness and reliability to ensure that he or she is eligible for access to national security information. The investigation focuses on an individual’s character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other similar and pertinent areas. All investigations consist of checks of national records and credit checks; some investigations also include interviews with individuals who know the candidate for the clearance as well as the candidate himself/herself.

In the military, all classified information is divided into one of three categories:

CONFIDENTIAL: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which could be reasonably expected to cause damage to the national security.

SECRET: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.

TOP SECRET: Applied to information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.

In addition to the above, some classified information is so sensitive that even the extra protection measures applied to Top Secret information are not sufficient. This information is known as "Sensitive Compartmented Information" (SCI) or Special Access Programs (SAP), and one needs special "SCI Access" or SAP approval to be given access to this information.

"For Official Use only" is not a security classification. It is used to protect information covered under the Privacy Act, and other sensitive data.

Who requires a Security Clearance?

Basically, anyone who requires access to classified information to perform their duties. If your job requires you to have access to CONFIDENTIAL information, you would require a CONFIDENTIAL Security Clearance. If your job requires you to have access to SECRET information, you would require to have a SECRET Security Clearance, etc. For military personnel, two things determine the level of security clearance required; your MOS/AFSC/Rating (Job), and your assignment.

Many military jobs require access to classified information, regardless of where one is assigned. In other cases, the job itself may not require a Security Clearance, but the particular location or unit that the person is assigned to would require giving access to classified information and material.

For example, when I first enlisted into the Air Force into the Aircrew Life Support AFSC, the job required a SECRET clearance level. A few years later, however, I was considered for an assignment to a unit which required me to have a TOP SECRET clearance with SCI. Even before I knew I was being considered for the assignment, the Air Force initiated a TOP SECRET/SCI background check.