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Iris's Elementary School Graduation Ceremony 1- President's Awards, Principal's Awards on 05/25/2012

by 프시케 psyche 2012. 6. 8.

I am forwarding for  the President's Award


My  Elementary School Graduation Ceremony
at Houston County High School
on 05/25/2012 
 9:00 A.M-10;30

나의 초등학교 졸업식
휴스턴 카운티 고등학교에서
오전 9시부터10:30까지


Opening Song by 5th G Honor Choir at Graduation Ceremony
 at HCHC on 05/25/2012
개회 및
합창단의 노래

Honor  Choir Medal Receiving

합창단 메달 수여식

Tribute to Student and Tribute to Teachers 
at Grad. Ceremy David A Perdue Elem. 
on 05/25/2012

Giography Bee, High Social Study Awards and Introd. of Presidential Award 
at Grad. Ceremy at HCHS on 05/20/2012

President'sl Awards Announcement 1/4 at Grad. Ceremony of David A Perdue Elem. 
at HCHS on 05/25/2012

President's Awards Announcement 2/4 at Grad. Ceremony of David A Perdue Elem.
 at HCHS on 05/25/2012
버락 오바마 대통령상 

Here is Iris Park Fighting!!
이 동영상에 제(건희)가 있습니다

Iris Park in this video

건희가 이동영상에 있습니다

This award goes to students who has standard average grade

90-100 in their Grade Report. 

who have shown a commitment to

working hard in the classroom and 

to meeting the highest academic standards.

'thru the 2011-2012

by President Baracak Obama

이 버락 오바마 대통령상은

반에서 열심히 공부하여

성적이 90-100 점을 유지한

학생들에게 주는 상입니다

한반에 3-5명으로서

200명중 30명-40명 정도가


"President's Education Awards Program"

"Outstanding Academic Excellence 2012"

Presented to 

Iris Park

This is the Awards  presented to

Iris Park 

in recognition of 

Outstanding Academic Excellence 2012

Barack Obama  대통령상

Iris at Awads Ceremony


Presidential Awards Announcement 3/4 at Grad. Ceremony of David A Perdue Elem. 
at HCHS on 05/25/2012

Presidential Awards Announcement 4/4 at Grad. Ceremony of David A Perdue Elem. 
at HCHS on 05/25/2012


I (Iris Park ) am in this video
제 ( 박건희) 가 이 동영상에 있습니다

Principle Awards Announcement at Grad. Ceremony of David A Perdue Elementary School 
at HCHS on 05/25/2012

This award has only one student in a Class..
who keeps average Grade 95 or higher ..
이상은  95점 이상의 성적을 유지한 학생에게  한반에 한명의 학생에게 주는 상이랍니다

So we have only 8 of students received this awards
8반 에 1명씩이며 200명중 8명에게만 수여합니다

" Principal's Award"
for attaining the highest academic average 
which exceeds 95%
in homeroom class group 

Presented to 
Iris Park

I (Iris Park)  Received this award

after Principal's award

May 25, 2012 

To be continued
