My church's Pastor Sung Bok Oh & Mrs Sun Joo Kwon and My own brother Bobby Park Jr.
They came to congratulate my graduation!!
* Rachel & Jasmin's family also came ...but I couldn't see until finished ceremony..
In the Mid Time, all graduate student sina a song for Teachers, Parents, Visitors in Ceremony
잠깐을 이용해 학생들이 오늘 참석해 주신 내빈여러분과 선생님과 부모님께 노래 선물을 합니다
Sing " We Are The World " to Parents 1/2 at Grad. Ceremy of Perdue Elem. School on 05/25/2012
Sing " We Are The World " to Parents 2/2 at Grad. Ceremy of Perdue Elem. School on 05/25/2012
Honor Choir
My music teacher Ms Carol Wilson
All 5th Graders
Honor Choir and all 5th Graders
Honor Chore sing a song "We Are The World"
My Church Pastor Sung Bok Oh and Mrs. Sun Joo Kwon and My brother Bobby Park Jr.
우리교회 목사님, 사모님..우리오빠
Actually my Graduation Ceremony was held in Houston County High School (that's my brother's School)
사실 우리학교 졸업식을 오빠(Bobby Park Jr.) 네 학교 강당에서 했어요
Thank you for coming to my Graduation Ceremony!!
졸업식에 와 주셔서 감사합니다!!
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 1/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 2/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 3/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 4/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
***I (Iris Park) )am in below s video I got award for Champion Bulldog, Perfect Attendance Award ( We have only few students)and Academic Achievement Award
Champion Bulldog Award :
5학년전과정에 필요한 학과목을 끝내고 중학교에 입학할 수 있는 모든 학생들
for Completion of all Elementary Promotional Requirements
as a
Champion bulldog
Class ofF 2012
Perfect Attendance Award:
개근상;지각이나 조퇴가 없는 모든 시간을 완전히 개근한 학생에게 주는 상
Houston County School System
awarded to
Iris Park
by th
for regular punctual attendance,
having NOT Been absent or dismissed early from shchool
during the 2011-2012 school year
from Tom Walmer
Chairman, Houston County Boad of Education
James R Hines, Jr., ED, D.
Superintendent, Houston County Schools
Shawn Carpenter
Principal of
David A Perdue Elementary School
Academic Achievement Award :
초등학교 내내 Average A를 꾸준히 유지한 학생에게 주는 상
Houston County School SystemAcademic Achievement Awardfor excellence inwith an all "A" average for the year in each class
Presented to :
Iris Park
dateMay 25, 2012
SchoolDavid A Perdue Elementary
Tom WalmerChairman, Houston County Board of Education
James R. Hines, Jr., Ed.DSuperintendent, Houston County Schools
Shawn Carpenter, Principalof David A Perdue Elementary School
Citizenship Award: 반에서 모든 학생들의 모범이 된 학생에게 주는 상
* Iris Park is in below videoBulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Achievement, Citizenship Award 5/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
My homeroom Teacher Ms Long, and Principal Ms Carpenter and me..
담임선생님, Ms Long , 교장 선생님: Ms Carpenter 그리고 나..
This lady is my Primary School Priciple Ms Horn..
이분은 내 프라이머리 학교의 교장 선생님 Ms Horn 이십니다
She shakes hand with me
Ms Horn 교장 선생님이 악수를 해주셨어요
and give ma a good graduate congratulation word...
그리고 졸업 축하의 말도..
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 6/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 7/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 8/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Bulldog and Perfect Attendance, Academic Acheivement, Citizenship Award 9/9 at Grad. Ceremy on 05/25/2012
Closing Graduation Ceremony of David A Perdue Elementary School on 05/25/2012
This was my Elementary Graduation Ceremony !이것이 나의 초등학교 졸업식 모습이었습니다
Thank you for watching and reading !!여기까지 보아주시고 읽어주셔서 감사합니다..
May 25, 2012 Friday 9:00-11:00 am
* For Privacy Concern, only video I am in is Public..
***to be continued
next will be most of the photo at my school
다음은 저희학교로 가서 찍은 사진들입니다