My Prince BJ55 lEVEL O AND i I am still waiting on the October lists to contract a specific MOS. I've passed everything else and I have the ASVAB scores required to do any job I want. In your experience which MOS group tends to be more of a desk/inside job? I want something where I can learn a new trade or science or language, and I prefer a job that will be challenging my brain (don't get me wrong, I real.. 2014. 3. 26. Promote in Avionics US Marine Corps Promotions in MOS Avionics- Sergeant? how common is it for Aviation electronics technicians marines to get promoted to Sergeant by their first 4 year mark? do marines get promoted faster than other MOS's in the Avionics field? I signed up as an Avionics MOS and was wondering if i'd be able to reach Sergeant E-5 by my first contract.. You could check the cutting.. 2014. 3. 26. Everyday Life of Us Marine Mos avionics Everyday life of US Marine MOS: Avionics? what is daily life like after your training/schooling in Naval Air Station Pensacola Florida? is working stressful everyday? are you always tired and exhausted afterwork everyday? what is life like to be fixing and working on aircraft electronics for hours on a day? do you still have a lot of energy after work to go out and do things? .. 2014. 3. 26. School Credit fr Avionics School Marine Corps Avionics schooling? Pensacola? after boot camp and marine combat training, when you go to Pensacola, Florida for avionics school 6-13 months, is it true after you're done with that you'll have enough college credits for an associates degree or you'll have an associates degree? All credits you get from your Military training will count for credits under ACE. These c.. 2014. 3. 26. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 14 다음